Another day has passed before our eyes, this year is disappearing without us even noticing. The death tolls increase daily, the nerves and anxiety increase along with it. We watched the movie Contagion last night which probably was not the best thing to do. I actually remember watching that movie when it first came out and thinking “Jesus, imagine that shit where to happen” and here we are now like having a bullet to our heads and a bounty on the top.
Doing our best to keep busy. Going for short walks doing some home work outs and baking scones :)
Not the only thing i’m baking though as Im feeling like a right little cook. Cooking up some film. I could’t have picked a better time to start this process and I am in love with the whole thing. I am on my third role now. Third role developed and also the last B&W I have left until I get my order from BUYMOREFILM.COM
I recorded myself developing. Going through the steps that I had written down for myself. I recorded this on the Polaroid cube which is a great little pocket action camera. A cheaper go pro but with more style.
Check out the video below, and then after that, take a look at the images that I had created from this process.
All images below have been taken on the FED5B. Shot on ILFORD FP4 PLUS ISO 125.