Told you not to worry, But maybe that's a lie.

Chemically proven to be a time well spent.

Here we all are, still stuck in doors, still keeping 2 meters apart from each other and now, just mentioned live, we are on further lock down to try and win the war against the little prick that is Coronavirus.

Right now should be my third day in Spain.

With all this happening though I have had time to really jump into what I have been planning on doing for some time now, that being home development. For about 2 months now I have been watching so many videos on this topic. So many different people from different parts of the world developing their own images from the comfort of their kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

I had collected bits and bobs throughout the month and received the final equipment from my uncle, who had once worked in a lab so he was kind enough to lend me the measuring jugs and a thermomitor.

I am actually shocked at the results. I mean I knew I had followed the exact steps that nearly all on YouTube had recorded, but there was still something in my mind that was telling me the film would come out blank. But it worked!! I wouldn't say extremely well, you can tell that the images are not “Lab Quality’, but the process itself is one of the most satisfying things I have done since recording an EP in a professional studio.

Starting from the beginning of capturing that perfect exposure with the oul sunny 16 rule, to pouring in the chemicals and seeing the little dark square appear on the role of plastic.

I mix the chemical, pour some warm water
and bring the solution to twenty degrees.
Seal and shake the tank,
as if kneading dough for pita bread.
— Rafael Mendes

The process with the Ilfosol 3 chemical is exactly what I have been expecting. High contrast and grain. When I plan to shoot with the Ilford HP5 again though I will 100% aim my camera at landscape and city scapes as most of the time the high contrast and grain is a bit too harsh for portraits and group shots, but sure have a look yourself below.

These images were taken with the Belomo Villia and developed at home with Ilford Chemicals.

Have you heard of the Action Sampler Clear ?

I got one of these bad boys for Xmas as part of a family Kriss Kindle. Funky little camera with four sequentially operated lenses. This guy takes an image one after another and exposes four images onto the one frame, capturing the action and any movement within that frame. 35mm clear, totally see through camera.


When I got this camera I sure as hell did not think that I would be developing the film myself. I am at a point now in photography that I am so happy to have reached. A great understanding and love for this hobby and part time job with an even bigger appreciation for the craft.

Below are the photos captured with the Action Sampler on Ilford HP5 PLUS 400 Black and white film.

Captured with my own eyes and developed with my own hands.

Continuing with the exposure of others,

I am still coming across some great feeds that others have shared on Instagram. Pages that are helping the development of my mind when it comes to photography. I have a friend in New York who I keep telling to continually look at other peoples photos in order to get the inspiration to take more.

I’m taking my own advice here and sharing with you.

Doppelgä is an Argentinian photographer from what I gathered on her Insta page and locations. Simple stills capturing life in her area on film. A huge smile came across my face when I translated her opening bio into English. The Lyrics for “Should I stay or Should I go” by The Clash came crashing onto my screen. A quick root around her images and I spotted 2 different cameras she seems to be using. The Zenit 122k. A steel hardcore Russian SLR, and the German Agfa Sillete, which reminds me a lot of my FED 5 B.

Doppelgä’s images seems to have a continuas subject piercing through her feed. A tall bearded leather jacketed dude with resemblance to Jason Momoa maybe? The repeated subject is great though, because it give the feel of an on going story line which she allows us to follow along with.



Changing it up a bit with a mention of some great online stores I have come across. Just this morning I came across (Isolation is an expensive experience). This store is an independent store created by a lover of analog. A collector and a traveler and maybe even a camera hoarder :) who in 2015 decided to begin to sell his collected items. An amazing site full of SLR’s and point and shoots, and a great section for expired film, which is where I found myself first thing this morning filling up my basket.

Some of the film that I purchased included:

  • Ilford - FP4 Plus 125 - Which is what I am shooting at the moment. I haven’t had the chance to complete a roll yet or see the results, but i’m trying to develop my own black and white at home so I thought I would give this a go and hopefully the results from my current role are good. PLUS this roll is expired from 2005. That should be fun.

  • Kodak ColourPlus 200 - This is a roll I have shot with plenty of times and previous rolls where expired from 2012, this one I bought from BuyMoreFilm is expired from 2009.

  • Fujicolor Nexia 800 - I have no clue what to expect here but I am excited to say the least. This guy is expired since 2010.

Il be sure to post the results of these films once completed. I will also be filling up my basket on this store in the future if the delivery etc.. goes smooth.

Screenshot 2020-03-28 at 13.09.07.png


Last on the list here is a great little store I found on Etsy. I am a fan of etsy when it come to purchasing cameras and I have had great experience in the past with buying my Belomo Villia which is one of my main shooters at the moment.

VintageFilm20century is an online Etsy store based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Nadja is the owner and her Bio explained it all.

Film cameras from the 20th century hand picked and sold by a 21th century photographer aka a granddaughter of a 20th century photographer
— Nadja

Some gorgeous photos of the products themselves, which is what drew me in. I love when a seller pays attention to the details. Similar to when you are booking on Airbnb. If the images are not good, i’m probably going to pass by.

I purchased the Ricoh KR5. The lens which is one of the main reasons why I bought, is F2.2 and the camera itself also has a light meter which on most of my cameras, I do not have a light meter. So this will be an interesting change and I am assuming will make life a little easier.

My excitement cannot me contained !

You can check out some more of Nadja’s products from the link below.