20:53pm - Wednesday, January 1st 2020.

The year has come to an end, and we have no clue what lies around the bend.

The end of 2019 has been, really one of the most memorable endings of a year so far. Having the time to breath has been very noticeable. Taking some time off from work and planning that in advance has been beneficial. Knowing that I did not need to work on Stephens day really made Xmas eve and Xmas day so much more enjoyable than previous years.

Once a year we get to spend time with family and enjoy the company and it was very much so enjoyed this year.

I took the cameras with me every where. Xmas eve with friends, enjoying some home cooked Brazilian cooking COMIDA BOA ! Thinking I wouldn’t have been eating much due to the lack of meat but these guys are too thoughtful and there was plenty for me to choose from.

Mexican Delights, Australian Connections & Dublin Castle Left Overs.

A friend has been missing for 2 years now. Missing as in left the country and moved to Australia.

Missing as in, noticeably not in Ireland any more and the connection is harder to locate when there is such a distance between. But like all friends, we find our own life and need to go with it and I couldn’t be happier for all my mates who have found their path. In saying that, meeting up with them after a long period between is even more special. From moving to Australia, to getting some work in NYC or even just getting married, having some kids and enjoying the “Good Life”.

I suppose i’m still looking or waiting and or just unsure of which lane to turn into next. I will let it find me, and sure we can all fall down that hole when it comes.

777, pigs head and some Margarita’s, but first, we took a trip into Dublin Castle to see the left overs from the Christmas Market.

Christmas day found the usual with a difference.

The difference being clarity and calmness.

The end of the year found me with less alcohol in my social grasp. this is where the clarity came from. Its tough being Irish and living in a culture where in order to meet with family and friends, a majority of the time, it involves meeting over an alcoholic beverage. Im trying to move away from this. 0% beer, coffee, water, or even just the air surrounding the scene. There shouldn’t be a need for tricking the sences or blurring the mind. It was nice to take a slower approach to alcohol and this is a plan to expand on in 2020.

The calmness came from enjoying the moment, not worrying about anything and enjoying the company and good food.

Throwing any sort of anxiety out the window is another plan for 2020.